Assam: Emergency Alerts Via Cell Broadcast Alert System Tested

The testing was done at around 12 PM on Monday and a large number of citizens took to social media to share screenshots of these messages.
Assam: Emergency Alerts Via Cell Broadcast Alert System Tested
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GUWAHATI: The Government of India Department of Telecommunication and the National Disaster Management Authority tested the emergency alert system via mobile networks on Monday in the state. A large number of people received a text alert because of this test.

A large number of people received emergency alerts on their mobile phones as the Department of Telecommunication and the National Disaster Management Authority tested the cell broadcast system this system allows authorities to send alerts to all mobile phones within a particular range. Details regarding phone numbers, mail IDs or any other information are not needed for sending out these alerts. In the city of Guwahati, the public received two alerts, one each in English and Assamese languages.

The testing was done at around 12 PM on Monday. Although the announcement was already made beforehand regarding these tests, some people did panic because of the same. But panic or no panic, a large number of citizens did take to social media to share screenshots of these messages. Even Assam Police via its official handle on the social media site X asked people not to panic because of these alerts. It mentioned, “When your phone goes "beep beep" with a test emergency alert, just remember – it's not a Bollywood plot twist! No need to panic, it's just a way of making sure that our alert system is in top shape.”

The Assam State Disaster Management Authority had previously issued a statement regarding the tests. “The Cell Broadcast Alert System is a state-of-the-art technology that allows us to send critical and time-sensitive messages for disaster management to all mobile devices within a designated geographical area, irrespective of whether the recipients are residents or visitors. This ensures that important emergency information reaches as many people as possible in a timely manner. It is used by government agencies and emergency services to inform the public about potential threats and keep them informed during critical situations. Cell Broadcast is commonly used to deliver emergency alerts, such as severe weather warnings (e.g., Tsunami, Flash Flood, Earthquake etc., public safety messages, evacuation notices, and other critical information,” mentioned the statement.

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